The Greatest Saga in Odyssey- Episodes #460 & #462

Hello! And welcome back to my little corner of the internet!

Today we will be returning to long lost memories and long forgotten voices.

episode 3: #460 Nova Rising

Novacom seems to be trying to buy the affections of the citizens of Odyssey- and it appears to have worked. The kids at Odyssey Middle School are enamored by the new high-tech computers. Bernard is in awe of the new studio for B-TV. While Cal and Alex are trying to cure boredom by snooping around Novacom’s websites, a mysterious hacker shows up. Our dearly beloved, AREM. After AREM uncovers more information on the RWS, Cal and Alex get unexpectedly removed from the Novacom premises. Similarly, Bernard Walton receives consequences for arguing with the Novacom writers about the subject of B-TV episodes. He ends up resigning and returning to the squeegee and bucket. This episode begins stirring around the suspicion about the motives of Novacom, aswell as bringing in Arthur Dent as a recurring character. I have a special place in my heart for all episodes involving our favorite hacker, AREM.

episode 4: #462 The W.E.

The scene is set and audience silent, as Nick Mulligan takes the stage- before being interrupted by Whit. Turns out Nick romanticizes cleaning the auditorium by daydreaming about being a rock-star. Business has been slow for Whit’s End, practically non-existent. Whit asked the kids what he should do to improve Whit’s End, thus transforming it to the W.E. A voice, familiar to all true Odyssey fans, comes up with a new name. Mary Hopkins shows interest into Whit’s End, and concern about the kids. She offers Whit the opportunity to turn Whit’s End into a chain, by opening up a Whit’s End in Connellsville. This episode introduces Mary Hopkins and acts as a filler episode between the introductions of Mitch and AREM.

Thank you for reading:) be sure to tune in next time.

“He [the Word, the One we know as Jesus,] was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:2-3

~The Perilous Pen~

Published by theperilouspen

hello there! I run the perilous pen. Feel free to reach out on pintrest or ig @theperilouspenblog, discord @theperilouspen, or email me @ Luke 1:46-55

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