B-TV: Nostalgia

hello:) and welcome back to my little corner of the internet!

In the world of Odyssey, B-TV is a TV channel that broadcasts only to the small town. Filmed in a tiny-studio ‘the size of an outhouse’ this channel is targeted towards the kids of Odyssey. Bernard Walton created B-TV to have a Biblical program suitable and enjoyable for kids. The B-TV episodes are formatted like a TV-program- a glimpse into entertainment enjoyed by the characters of Odyssey. It was hosted originally by Bernard Walton, and later on by Connie Kendall. It features many reoccurring characters like Whit, Eugene Meltsner, Edwin Blaggard, Walter Shakespear, Guy Feldstien, and Bryen Dern. And in addition, in an attempt to make it more relatable to it’s target audience, it also features many of the kids of Odyssey: Mandy Strausburg, Alex Jefferson, and Sarah Prachett. This show offers an opportunity for the aspiring actors of Odyssey, both young an old, to have experience with acting.

These 14 episodes are all based around Biblical themes and topics: Grace, Envy, Compassion, and Thanks to name a few. Additionally, B-TV is mentioned and discussed in episodes I Want My B-TV (#298) and Nova Rising(#460). These fast-paced and funny episodes are packed full of pop-culture references that you might miss at first glance listen.

The B-TV episodes aired periodically from episode B-TV: Envy (#317- aired June 3rd 1995) to B-TV: Idolatry (#869- aired August 1st 2019). These iconic episodes will come to the mind of every long-time Odyssey fan at any mention of Bernard, Christmas shopping at the mall, or being chased by a giant nose. As someone who grew up on albums 1-46, listening to these funny-if not cringey- episodes always brings laughter and good memories.

I know this was a shorter post today, but I hope you enjoyed it!

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Let’s take a look at what it means to dwell on these things.” -Philippians 4:8

~The Perilous Pen~

Published by theperilouspen

hello there! I run the perilous pen. Feel free to reach out on pintrest or ig @theperilouspenblog, discord @theperilouspen, or email me @ theperilouspenblog@gmail.com Luke 1:46-55

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